Wayfinding Consultancy

Wayfinding Consultancy

Wayfinding is often misinterpreted as replacing, updating, or relocating signage. In fact, it is less about signs and more about spatial problem solving and effective movement of people around a site. It is a complex process encompassing ease of navigation, safety and efficiency for site users and effective promotion of image and brand. To implement a bespoke solution, our wayfinding proposals include: • Evaluating access points of surrounding areas • Research • Strategy • Stakeholder Meetings • Testing

We have delivered wayfinding solutions for complex environments covering multiple sites, including:

If you would like to know more about our wayfinding service, please call us and ask to speak to one of our consultants on +966 533 846 847.

For all enquiries and or further information, please contact us using this form!


+966 533 846 847

Working towards building success stories being a contributor of Vision 2030!

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